Kevin Mangelschots

Image of a young woman lying in a couch doing nothing.

Why an idle mind is the devil’s playground

These are the main reasons why an idle mind is the devil’s playground:

— People need to be physically active, or their mind tends to wander off.
— People who aren’t busy have too much time to think.
— We only ponder about the biggest issue(s) at a given time.
— We need to move around to stay mentally and physically healthy.

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Image of a man jumping over a cliff while the sun is setting.

Why fortune favors the bold


— Fortune favors the bold since they’re willing to take action.

— They’re willing to take risks.

— Courage typically gets rewarded by society.

— Taking risks typically means a larger potential payoff.

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The word “unprepared” written with the letters “un” being crossed out, indicating that they're prepared.

Why luck favors the prepared


– Luck favors the prepared since they can recognize the opportunities surrounding them.
– They’re more likely to be competent enough to take advantage of these options.
– They’re able to do so since they’ve been preparing for a long time for when the right chance comes along.

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The quote, “more than meets the eye” hanging with blue letters against a white wall.
Mental health

There is more than what meets the eye explained


– There is more than meets the eye stands for things being more complicated than they first appear to be.
– This applies to life as well, since the entire truth isn’t always visible.
– People typically hide their true motives while showing you what they want and allow you to see.

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The quote, “any fool can know. The point is to understand.” Written in white letters on a gray background. A quote by Albert Einstein.
Mental health

Any fool can know, the point is to understand explained

I can recall many times when I intuitively knew something to be right without truly understanding why. Call it a gut feeling.

And while knowing something is great, comprehending how, and why that’s the case is much better since it’ll lead to more knowledge when you’re capable of connecting all the dots.

Here’s why any fool can know, but the point is to understand.

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Image of a person of white and black skin color holding hands.
Mental health

Why people are more alike than different


– People are more alike than different.
– People still have their unique personalities.
– These distinct characteristics are the result of our genetics, our environment, and the experiences we go through.

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The quote, “intelligence is the ability to adapt to change” written in white letters on a black background.
Mental health

Why the measure of intelligence is the ability to change

We all know at least one social chameleon personality who gets along great with everyone they meet from all walks of life. Be it CEOs, electricians, teachers, doctors, or construction workers.

They aren’t always the strongest, nor the smartest. Nevertheless, they typically get done the most since they can modify their behavior to suit their environment.

Thus, the measure of intelligence is the ability to change and adapt our character to the needs of the circumstances. Here’s why.

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Woman standing in front of the sun outside.
Mental health

Why healing is a process: Steps to healing

All of us can recall a moment in our lives when we went through a traumatic event that left a wound, and a long-lasting impression before we could accept what happened, and move on.

Think of losing a loved one such as a family member, a friend, or a pet.

That’s why healing is a process and not an event. Today, I will explain the different steps to healing that can be distinguished from one another.

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A Buddha statue in a garden.
Mental health

Why you need to turn your wounds into wisdom to grow

Going through painful experiences and events is part of the course for everyone, no matter how rich or successful we are. Sooner or later, we all get our hardships to deal with.

You must turn your wounds into wisdom to prevent future pain and biases, and to balance out your life so you can maintain your mental sanity.

Let me explain why, and how to do this.

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The quote, “haters who hate just want to be like you.” written on a white background.
Mental health

how to deal with haters in life

There will always be negative people who nag about every little thing we do, no matter what we decide to pursue in life.

Whether you try to please everyone or be as authentic as possible, they’ll always be around. That’s because the issue lies with them, and not necessarily with you. They project their weaknesses and insecurities onto others instead of taking ownership and resolving these issues.

But what we can influence is how we respond to haters. Here’s how.

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