Why life is about creating yourself instead of finding yourself


Kevin Mangelschots

  • We’re born imperfect

    The biggest reason why life is about creating ourselves is because we’re born imperfect, which means we have to develop ourselves to get better, to live a more fulfilling life, and to become more virtuous.

    That’s why I consider the sentence, “You’re perfect just the way you are” which we typically start saying from a young age is such a foolish, and untrue thing to tell. Much better would be, “You’re doing a fine job, but you could be even better.” That indicates that they’re on the right path, but that they can be much better if they decide to truly apply themselves.

  • Not all our value is predetermined by birth

    I don’t consider life to be about finding ourselves since while it is true that our genes matter, and that certain roles are more or less predetermined by biological facts outside our control such as our sex, height, and age, that’s not all there’s to it. Life’s much more complex than that.

    We can become more skilled, learn new abilities, and take on many critical challenges that need to be solved or improved. All activities that bring value and meaning to our existence, and to society as a whole.

  • Life is difficult, and we have to develop ourselves

    Image of a woman climbing a mountain.

    Life is extremely complicated, far too complex to know it all. We have to actively create ourselves before we can thrive. Not to mention that improving ourselves is a tough and long-winded process, no matter how talented and hardworking you might be.

    Still, it’s worth it. In the end, this continuous self-improvement plays a big part in what makes life worth living. Simply giving in to our hedonistic desires might sound like an attractive alternative way of living, but it would become dull very quickly. Satisfying all our senses would become so common that it would probably lose all its value compared to doing so sporadically.

  • We have to learn many lessons

    We need many teachings and life lessons from those around us before we can grow up to be decent, well-put-together individuals.

    While we typically try to avoid pain and uncomfortable situations such as making errors or engaging in novel circumstances, they’re vital to stimulate growth.

    Our faults incentivize us to develop because we want to avoid the negative sensations typically associated with guilt, such as anxiousness and uncomfortableness. So while we dislike fear, it has a very important function in our existence because it stimulates us to become a better person.

  • Failures and mistakes are required to get better

    The sentence, “own your error” written with scrabble blocks.

    As previously addressed, being courageous enough to try novel things means we’re bound to make mistakes eventually, and that we’re going to fail along the road. Nevertheless, that’s a blessing in disguise, since that’s required if we wish to evolve.

    Sure, it’s typically not a pleasant experience to make errors, and even less enjoyable having to admit making these errors to ourselves and others, but it’s what will separate the great from the average individuals.

    You must be daring enough to walk your unique path if you wish to create the best possible version of yourself. And that might mean walking down a road no one has ever wandered before you. Everyone is different, which inherently means that there’s not a single way that’s best for everyone out there to take.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What does, “life isn’t about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself” mean?

The quote, “life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” written on a notebook.

Life isn’t about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself means that we can’t simply find our perfect version, since we’re inherently born with imperfections.

We don’t have a preexisting identity that we’re bound to, since we can actively develop our character, abilities, and purpose by developing ourselves.

It’s about discovering what we’re able to do when we commit ourselves to learning from the difficult situations, blunders we make, and our letdowns. By continuing to mature as human beings. That’s how we can eventually create the version of ourselves that we set out to become from the very beginning.

Where does the quote, “Life isn’t about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself” originate from?

Black white image of George Bernard Shaw.

George Bernard Shaw famously said the well-known quote, “Life isn’t about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself.”

Who is George Bernard Shaw?

He was an Irish political activist, playwright, writer, and critic.

What he meant with his famous quote was that you have to create your personality, skills, and your role in society. You aren’t necessarily born with a preceding identity, nor that you’re already good enough from birth,.


You should always strive to evolve your character and skill set by trying out new things, making missteps, and failing along the way.

While some might laugh at you for fumbling, that’s just a Pyrrhic victory. In the end, it’s what allows you to construct your identity instead of having to rely on others to determine your role in society, or risking remaining stuck in place.

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