Muscular endurance training

Table showing the amount of repetitions to target depending on the training goal.
Mass training

The best rep ranges, sets, and rest time for weightlifting explained

There are a lot of subtle differences in the weightlifting world regarding rep ranges, how many sets to perform, and how long the rest time between sets should be.

A lot of this depends on whether your main goal is increasing strength, gaining muscle mass, or getting leaner.

These are the best rep ranges for weightlifting and endurance according to science.

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Two men jumping with a rope in the gym.
Muscular endurance training

10 minutes HIIT jump rope interval training

Not everyone looks forward to performing cardio workouts, as they are not always the most exciting thing to do. That’s why I created the following 10-minute HIIT jump rope interval training to spice things up.

Yet, good cardiovascular endurance is necessary for a long, healthy life. It will also help you feel better and perform better in your daily life.

However, cardiovascular training is not limited to running, walking, or biking for an endless amount of hours. There are other workouts we can use to achieve the same results.

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Image of someone's home gym.
Cardiovascular training

How to build a home gym during the lockdown

How to build a home gym is a question that often comes up during the COVID-19 times and the frequently associated lockdowns.

While a bodyweight workout can also be performed at home without any equipment, bodyweight training is rather limited and not ideal for strength and mass gains.

That’s not to say that you can’t get fitter and more toned with a no-equipment workout, of course.

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A man bench pressing in the gym.
Mass training

How and why you should bench press

Few weightlifting exercises develop the pectoral muscles as much and effectively as the bench press does.

The bench press, also called the chest press, is one of the most effective and well-known exercises to develop the chest muscles. Various grips can be used when bench pressing to target different parts of the chest.

A lot of weight can be moved with the chest press because it’s a compound exercise. This has a lot of benefits for building strength and muscle mass.

However, since large amounts of weight can be moved, it’s important to lift with proper technique to prevent injuries.

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Multiple dumbbells in the gym.
Muscular endurance training

5-exercise dumbbell workout

Training at home is becoming increasingly popular.

Today, we’ll be talking about dumbbells because they are a versatile training tool that can easily be bought, stored, and used at home to get stronger, build muscle mass, or just overall get fitter.

With this 5-exercise dumbbell workout, it’s possible to perform training without having the inconvenience of having to move to a gym.

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A woman in a red sports outfit with a resistance band around her upper legs while sitting down on the floor.
Muscular endurance training

10 exercises resistance band workout

Resistance bands are elastic bands that, as the name suggests, add resistance to an exercise.

This added resistance makes you work harder, thus helping you grow stronger. Resistance bands can be used as a way to incorporate light strength training into your workout routines.

I like to use resistance bands when I’m performing high-intensity interval training workouts. Because it is way more challenging and taxing on my body.

A resistance band is so small and light, which means you can carry it with you everywhere. There’s a large variety of exercises that can be performed with it. This is one of the many advantages, which we will discuss down below.

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Picture of multiple people lifting with barbells in a gym.
Cardiovascular training

25 minutes intermediate circuit training workout

It is possible to get in shape without having to lift heavy weights in the gym every day. A lot of people get burned out and spent from going to the gym day in day out, doing the same routine every day and often, for years. This is why I advocate switching up your training routine sometimes.

Working out at home, performing a hard full-body circuit training workout, is both challenging and fun. The reasons? Being able to fit 25 minutes of circuit training into someone’s schedule can easily be done. If your goal is to get in shape, whether it is for the summer or just to be more fit overall, then it means this workout might be suited for you.

Research and my own experience have shown that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) works great and is quite possibly the best for fat loss. This means that a short but intense workout is better at burning calories and, thus, losing fat rather than spending countless hours doing low-intensity cardio workouts for fat loss. Like, for example, running or walking for an hour.

This 25-minute intermediate circuit training workout also has the added benefit of increasing your cardiovascular health and efficiency.

This means that we can use this intermediate circuit training HIIT workout to transform our bodies in only a small amount of time for the better. In turn, we feel better, look better, and get more fit.

Who said every workout needs to last for hours to be effective?

The possibility to easily alter the program from beginner to intermediate as you get more advanced as a trainee is also an added advantage that a lot of people will appreciate out of convenience. Just changing a couple of exercises, reducing rest time, and/or increasing the intensity is already enough to make this program much harder.

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A man and woman kicking a heavy bag in the gym.
Cardiovascular training

HIIT cardio kickboxing home workout

Cardio kickboxing is an interval based workout.

It combines cardiovascular training with martial arts. Not only does it improve our cardiovascular system, cardio kickboxing requires a lot of balance, strength and hand-eye coordination as well.

The HIIT cardio kickboxing workout is centered upon movement with an emphasis on punches, kicks, knees, and elbows. It’s a full body home workout that uses every muscle in the body, which makes it a very intense, though amazingly fun home workout.

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Picture of multiple people lifting with barbells in a gym.
Cardiovascular training

10-minutes HIIT workout at home

It almost sounds too good to be true. ‘Can I get in shape with only 10 minutes of high-intensity interval training? (HIIT)’

The answer in general is yes, but it depends on what your goals are.

It’s probably the best ‘bang for your buck’ workout program for getting fitter.

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Mass training

Why and how everyone should squat

Squatting is a great functional compound exercise. Why, you might ask? Because we often need to pick up stuff from the ground during our daily lives.

It mimics the proper technique that we should use to pick up things from the ground, particularly if those things happen to be heavy. Picking things up with a straight back places the least amount of possible stress on our back, thus reducing the chance of potential injuries.

Let me explain why and how everyone should squat.

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