Guest posts

Woman in Sweater Sitting Inside a Car.
Guest posts

Improving Your Mental Health

Considering how at odds modern society and culture are with humans’ natural evolutionary tendencies as primates, it’s not surprising that most humans grapple with mental health issues.

According to scientific studies, urban dwellers are at much higher risk for anxiety disorders, depression, and schizophrenia. Most people just deal with everyday annoyances, insecurities, neuroses, and fears. Often, these build to the point that they seem overwhelming.

However, there are simple ways to improve one’s mental health and maintain a more positive outlook. 

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Guest posts

Self-Care and Peace of Mind for Introverts

An introvert, as Healthful Life MD describes, is someone who “enjoys solitude and focuses more on internal thoughts, feelings, and moods rather than seeking out external stimulation.” This can take many forms, but one fact remains: self-care is vital.

These are some tips on taking care of yourself as an introvert without pushing your limits.

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Image of a man sitting in front of a table working on a laptop.
Guest posts

Easy Health and Wellness Tips for the Remote Worker

More and more entrepreneurs and professionals are working remotely. The benefits are clear: freedom, flexibility, and convenience, to name a few.

But if you work remotely, it’s essential not to lose sight of your health and wellness. Incorporating self-care into your daily routine and using the right tools can go a long way in keeping you healthy and productive.

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Picture of a woman and her son brushing their teeth.
Guest posts

Ten Guidelines for Routine Dental Health Maintenance

Most of us know that maintaining oral health is important, but do we understand just how important?

If you think routine dental care is simply for the sake of pretty teeth, be aware that caring for your teeth is part of a holistic health regimen. Failure to tend to oral health and hygiene can relate to a host of wellness problems.

Here are 10 things you need to know about dental care.

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Picture of the words “emotional intelligence”
Guest posts

Reacting vs responding: Emotional intelligence

When it comes to difficult situations and circumstances, you are presented with a choice. You can either react or respond to your reality.

Let’s find out what the differences between the two are and how we can learn to control our emotions for the better.

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Picture of a young woman posing in front of flowers
Guest posts

5 Lifestyle changes that will help you feel years younger

Do you ever feel like you’re older than your actual age? This might be a result of lifestyle choices, but you always have the opportunity to turn things around!

With health and fitness resources like the Healthy Body at Home blog, you can get started on your anti-aging journey. These tips will guide you as you start focusing on your physical and mental health, and before you know it, you’ll wake up feeling years younger!

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Picture of a man walking in the woods
Guest posts

Affordable tips to keep your family healthy during and after the pandemic

If you are finally emerging from self-isolation, you may have gained a few pounds. But, now, you realize that it is time to shed the unwanted pounds and revitalize yourself and your entire family.

However, healthy things often cost money. And if you are still reeling from the side effects of the economic downturn, money may be in short supply. The good news is that there are many ways to boost your health without blasting through your savings.

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