Self-Care and Peace of Mind for Introverts


Kevin Mangelschots

An introvert, as Healthful Life MD describes, is someone who “enjoys solitude and focuses more on internal thoughts, feelings, and moods rather than seeking out external stimulation.” This can take many forms, but one fact remains: self-care is vital.

These are some tips on taking care of yourself as an introvert without pushing your limits.

Keep in touch

You probably don’t like big group outings, and maybe even small get-togethers like having lunch with a friend give you anxiety. That’s OK. It is, however, crucial that you stay in touch with your loved ones. Being an introvert can feel lonely, so don’t isolate yourself. A simple phone call, text, or email can be a great way to reach out and stay in touch.

Some introverts will find social connections online via message boards and gaming. This is a great way to have interactions with others without even leaving your home. As previously mentioned, the internet is also a great resource for keeping in touch with loved ones you know in person.

The moment feelings of isolation creep in, send that text or make that call. Don’t be afraid to reach out.

Set boundaries

As an introvert, your most important assets are your boundaries. They help you express your needs and wants clearly, without consequences. Your loved ones should support you in your established limits; anyone who doesn’t should take a backseat to your communications.

If you don’t know how to set boundaries or need to reset the ones you’ve already expressed, there are several routes you can take. One of the most popular methods is the “Five Things Method.” You write down five things you want people to stop doing around you, five things you want people to stop doing to you, and five things you want people to stop saying to you. Once you’ve got your list on paper, come up with plans on how to communicate these boundaries to your loved ones.

Keep your boundaries clear and consistent. Don’t back down if you meet resistance — stand strong in maintaining your limits and say no when you need to.

Dress up

If you’re an introvert who prefers to stay home, you may find yourself in sweats and baggy tees daily. However, Condé Nast College notes that one motivation for getting dressed is a desire to decorate and display the body. It’s a form of self-expression.

For many, the more you admire your appearance, the better you feel about yourself. And you don’t have to sacrifice comfort. Search for stylish, comfortable loungewear like a robe or pair of leggings so that you can have the best of both worlds. Men, try a pair of joggers and a fitted tee.

Start a blog

Sometimes it’s easier to express yourself through writing. Starting a blog allows you to share your thoughts and feelings with the world. The process of starting one is relatively simple, even for computer novices.

Remember that it’s your blog and yours alone. It’s up to you how private it is and what features you use. You don’t even have to share the link with your friends and family; you

can use a blog to merely put your thoughts out into the universe. It can look any way you want, too. Maybe you like to share poetry, or maybe you prefer to write random thoughts line-by-line. Format your blog exactly how you want.

Avoid comparing yourself to others

It’s easy to look at the people around you and compare yourself to them, but this is toxic. We’re never fair in our assessments of ourselves and rarely do we consider the intricacies of our circumstances. Further, keep in mind that you don’t know what someone’s true life is like. Social media only allows us to see what others allow, not the negative aspects of their lives. Your comparison is wrong no matter what.

Being an introvert doesn’t mean a more complicated life; it just looks different. Nevertheless, self-care is still extremely important. With these tips in mind, help your body and mind find more peace.

Guest author bio

Melissa Howard is Head of Prevention Outreach at her website where she writes articles about handling suicidal thoughts and recovering from suicidal attempts.

You can reach out to her at [email protected]

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