Strength training

Picture of a man performing a deadlift.
Mass training

10 Best compound exercises for muscle growth and strength

Going to the gym is becoming ever so popular these days. Some people do so for their overall health, others to look good, and some to become stronger and/or bigger.

But whatever your goal is, compound exercises are the front-runners regarding building muscular size and strength.

These are my 10 best compound exercises to gain size and force.

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Someone performing a barbell deadlift in a gym.

4 day split phul workout program for beginners

Today, we’ll be checking out our 4-day split PHUL workout program for novices.

It’s an incredibly simple program, while simultaneously being easily adjustable. It’s no big deal if you miss a training session since you can simply perform it on another day.

Even if you decide to skip that session entirely, then it’s still not such a big deal since you will be training those muscle groups in another workout that same week regardless.

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Picture of a power rack setup in a home gym with dumbbells in the back.
Mass training

Why you should build a home gym

A lot of people are looking for alternative ways to perform their exercises. While a bodyweight workout can be used as a substitute for heavy weightlifting, it’s not desirable for everyone.

Those folks will most likely be interested in how to build a home gym for cheap, while still reaping most of the rewards of a professional athletic facility. This way, they can still get their usual weight and cardio-based training sessions conveniently.

The biggest benefits are:

— Budget-friendly

— Always open

— Equipment is always available

— Privacy

— Time efficient

If you’re interested, this is how to build a home gym for cheap.

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Picture of a man performing a deadlift.
Mass training

4 day phul workout for beginners

Today, I’ll be sharing a 4-day power, hypertrophy, upper, lower (PHUL) workout for novices. It is a great training program for those looking to increase strength and muscle mass.

Simply put, this means that the PHUL routine will have you perform 2 power days and 2 mass-building days each week. Hypertrophy-based training is a form of resistance training with the specific goal of increasing muscle mass.

In short, the training program is distributed as follows:

Monday: upper body strength.
Tuesday: lower body strength.
Thursday: upper body hypertrophy.
Friday: lower body hypertrophy.

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A boxer putting on black hand wraps to prevent injuries.
Mass training

Which factors influence injury prevention

There are a lot of different factors that influence injury prevention.

Unfortunately, life doesn’t always work out the way we want it to. It’s the same regarding accidents. Every person, especially passionate athletes who exercise regularly, will experience unfortunate injuries at some point in their lives.

While we can’t control everything and guarantee ourselves to be harm-free our whole lives, there are several things we can do to reduce the risk of harming ourselves.

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Picture of a man performing a deadlift.
Strength training

10 Best tips for building muscle strength

While it’s true that a large part of your physique is biologically determined by your genes, it doesn’t mean that there is nothing you can do to become a fair bit stronger. Will you be able to get as powerful as someone who is naturally gifted and inclined to become strong? Probably not.

That is if the naturally gifted person also works hard in the gym. But you would be amazed at what results you could achieve if you put in the effort AND train smart. Even though you might not be the most genetically gifted person in the world.

That’s why I compiled my 10 best tips for building muscle strength to help you on your fitness journey.

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Picture of a woman in pink underwear before getting a six pack on the left and after she got one on the right.
Mass training

How to get a 6 pack: Ab challenge workout

Having excess fat in the abdominal region increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes, among many other health detriments.

That’s why we should make it a point to keep a healthy body weight, regardless of what gender, or age you are.

Even more, this ab challenge workout can teach you how to get a 6-pack. This is how.

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Picture of a man lying on a bench and bench pressing.
Mass training

The importance of warm up sets before lifting

You should compare warm-up sets before lifting heavy, with walking and stretching before going for a run.

It serves the purpose of getting our body ready for intense and heavy physical activity. Warm-up sets are essential to prevent, and even to rehabilitate injuries.

That’s why the importance of warm-up sets before lifting can’t be overstated.

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Woman wrong and right lat pulldown posture, illustration
Mass training

Wide grip lat pulldowns to build a wide back

Many men want to know how to build a large back to get that classic V shape, but few know how to get it done.

The Latissimus dorsi muscle is responsible for giving our back a broad, V-tapered look.

This means that we can use wide-grip lat pulldowns to build a wide back.

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