Depression self test (based on the DSM-V)

A depressed young woman sitting on a bench all alone.
Depression self test (based on the DSM-V)

Comprehensive guide to beat depression

Depression is often called the “silent killer.” And for good reason.

It is a terrible disease that often goes unnoticed by other people. Hence, its name.

You feel bad all the time and have no motivation to do anything. No goals, no desire to get out of bed, constantly ruminating, and your mind constantly filled with dark and negative thoughts.

That’s why we need a comprehensive guide that can teach us how to beat depression by treating the multiple facets that it impacts at the same time. Both physically and mentally.

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A depressed young woman sitting on a bench all alone.

Are you depressed? DSM-V criteria

It can be hard to recognize depression. Especially if you don’t know precisely what the symptoms are. It also doesn’t help that depression and sadness can be hard to distinguish from each other.

It’s a disease that’s on the rise in the entire world for various reasons.

If you are wondering whether you’re depressed or not, then the DSM-V criteria can guide you towards a general idea. But beware, only a healthcare professional can properly diagnose you.

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