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ToggleArrogance is a negative personality trait that can become one of the most prominent features of one’s personality. That’s why we should learn how to stop being arrogant.
The reasons why people become proud can differ greatly. But what we can say for sure is that it’s not a desirable trait to possess.
Fortunately, it is curable. I’ve compiled a list of things you can do to learn how to be less arrogant.
How to cure arrogance: Tips and tricks you should use
Realize and admit that you’ve got a problem
You can only cure arrogance once you realize and admit that you’ve got a problem.
It’s hard to fix something when you don’t even realize that it’s broken.
Thus, before attempting to fix our arrogance, we must admit to ourselves that we have difficulty and that we are not as good as we could be.
Don’t underestimate how hard it is to admit that you’ve got a concern, either. It hurts our ego to admit that we are not perfect and that, just like everyone else, are mortal and have weaknesses like all other people.
Identify the origin of your pride
To fix the concern, we’ve got to pinpoint where the origin of our arrogance lies.
Oftentimes, it’s a combination of a multitude of different things that lead to and maintain our arrogance. However, one main catalyst may be the source that led to the arrogance in the first place.
Seek feedback
Another cure for arrogance is to seek the feedback of others.
The “know it all” mindset is a surefire way to become arrogant. No person, no matter how smart, knows it all. It’s simply not humanly possible.
The same can be said about our behavior. Our perception of our behavior is not necessarily the same as what the public, like our friends and family, think about us.
It’s especially hard to stay objective when it involves ourselves and when we’re this close to the problem. Sometimes, this closeness can be an advantage to figure out the issue and consequently, the solution. But sometimes, this closeness can make it too personal and, thus, too hard to stay objective.
This means that we should consult the people close to us to find out if we have an issue with arrogance. Not to mention that they can pinpoint exactly when this particular negative behavior arises and what we can do to change it.
Don’t make it all about yourself
The world doesn’t revolve around you, even though we sometimes think it does.
In the grand scheme of things, we are insignificant. Thus, we should try to realize and accept that other people are just as important as we are.
Not to mention, your life will become enriched due to not solely living for yourself, but doing something for others. In other words, giving back to the community.
Acknowledge when you’re wrong
We have to admit to ourselves and other people when we’ve failed, and when we’re wrong.
Admitting when you’re wrong is never an easy thing. It’s in human nature to avoid pain and suffering. Not only that, we unconsciously try to protect our ego as well as we possibly can, going to great lengths to accomplish this feat.
Thus, acknowledging that we’ve made a mistake means admitting to ourselves and others that we’re not perfect and are prone to failure/making mistakes.
Yet, growth can only occur when we admit we’re not perfect and if we can admit to ourselves and others that we’ve made a mistake. We can’t learn new things if we live with the mindset that we know it all.
Acknowledging when we’re wrong will aid greatly in tempering your arrogance by showing that you’re not as perfect and “mistake-proof” as you perhaps thought you were.
Don’t take yourself too seriously
To learn how to stop being arrogant, you need to stop taking yourself, and others too seriously. Don’t take yourself too seriously, as it is seriously (no pun intended) off-putting to others.
Not to mention that we are all quite insignificant in the grand scheme of things, no matter how intelligent, good-looking, and skillful we might be.
Like always, humor is very important in life, as it serves as a coping mechanism and makes the tougher parts of life more bearable. Laughing at yourself shows you’ve got humility. That you acknowledge and are unafraid to show and laugh at your own “inadequacies”.
Instead of pretending to be perfect, you remind yourself and others that you’ve got your unique strengths, but also your weaknesses. This will serve as a tool to keep you humble.
Don’t be too hard on yourself
Treat yourself with kindness. Being too hard on yourself can lead to perfectionism. And perfectionism can lead to arrogance since you always want to win and be the best.
Striving to be better is good, and even desirable. But perfection is unattainable and, thus, should not be something we should get overly obsessed with.
Don’t obsess over winning the argument
One should forever aim at the truth, but always trying to prove you’re right can lead to becoming prideful.
People are unique, in each of their ethics and morals. Thus, no two people think the same. It would make for a very boring and one-sided world if all people thought precisely the same. But unfortunately, this means that one person’s truth might be different from another person’s truth.
Trying to get your point across and aiming to get a better understanding of each other and each other’s different views is great, but just attempting to win the argument by imposing your truth is not. People are entitled to their own opinions. But, in my opinion, it should always be an educated and well-researched one.
Remember that it’s impossible to change another person or how they view the world. If someone wants to change, they have to do it themselves by opening up their mind to change.
Don’t obsess over taking the lead
Leadership qualities are greatly valued and are always in high demand.
Obsessing over taking the lead goes back to one of our previous points regarding always having to win and proving to be the best. Desperately aiming to be the best all the time can lead to arrogance and feeling superior to other people.
Sometimes, following other people’s lead is perfectly fine. Not to mention that everyone should get their chance to shine and prove themselves as well.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
The act of asking others for help shows humility in itself.
It shows that one is unafraid to show their vulnerability. It means that one can admit without fear that they are not perfect and do not know the answers to every question.
Life is too complex to understand and know it all in just one lifetime. Asking for help will help you to improve much faster since other people can teach you the gist of the topic at hand.
Truthfully compliment others and share the credit
Complimenting others when they do something good, be it at work, in their private life or because they are nice to you as a friend, is a great way of showing affection.
Sharing the credit with other people shows that working together as a team is important to succeed and that each individual contributes as well.
It shows that you are not above others, don’t feel better than others, and appreciate what they do as a whole.
Show respect to all people
No matter what color people have, what job they occupy, or what age they are, always treat other people with respect.
Despite our differences, we are all the same in the end. We might have different interests, different jobs, and lead different lives, but at the end of the day, we are all human with human feelings and with our strengths and weaknesses.
Showing respect goes a long way in life. It allows us to bond with each other and live together peacefully.
Be cheerful
If you are constantly stuck in a negative mindset, then it’s very possible and even likely that your negative personality traits come to the forefront. Remember that what you focus on and feed, will grow.
Thus, our arrogance can become more prominent if we are always nagging and in a bad mood. Aim at better things. Try to stay optimistic and look forward to the future.
Practice active listening
Active listening shows respect and engagement with other people.
You would be amazed at what people tell you, and how much you can take away from a conversation if you truly listen.
Yet, a lot of people are not fully engaged in the conversation. A lot of times, we’re looking for the best time to chime in and take some of the spotlight instead of actively listening.
Get away from the temptation
Depending on what the cause of your arrogance is, it can be possible to flee from the temptation and, thus, not become seduced by the attraction itself.
Let’s say that some particular friends feed your arrogance due to kissing your ass and being a people pleaser all the time. You might like it, but it isn’t good for you or the development of your personality in the long run.
Thus, you should attempt to explain to these people what the problem is and what you want them to stop doing. If they can’t or won’t, cut those people out of your life. This way, the source of the temptation is gone instantly.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is arrogance?
Arrogance can be defined as an exaggerated interpretation of one’s self-worth and abilities.
Arrogance is different from confidence because confidence is an accurate interpretation of one’s self-worth and abilities, while arrogance is not.
Why is arrogance so addictive?
Arrogance can be seen as a form of self-manipulation. It exploits the screwed perceptions of oneself and other people to avoid hurting our self-esteem.
Thus, pride can have a protective function that serves to defend and maintain the image of our ego.
Being prideful can make us feel powerful and superior. Hence, why it’s so addictive.
What causes a person to be arrogant?
This sense of superiority over others can lead to multiple issues such as having problems seeing eye to eye with coworkers, friendships, and romantic relationships.
Can you fix arrogance?
Yes, you can fix arrogance. It is at the very least treatable.
The key to fixing haughtiness is remaining/becoming humble.
Not taking yourself too seriously and being more kind to yourself is a start. We’re not perfect. Nobody is. Laughing at your imperfections and insecurities from time to time can aid in keeping you grounded in reality.
It can also help to compare yourself occasionally to people who are better than you. Again, this helps because you’ll end up recognizing that others are better than you in some areas, which keeps us humble and rooted in reality.
How do I know if I’m arrogant?
You know you’re arrogant when you constantly feel superior to others, and if you have a strong desire to be heard rather than listening to what the surrounding people have to say.
Even more, you know you’re arrogant when you perpetually feel like you’re right, and the other party is wrong. It’s normal to feel certain that you’re right sometimes, but feeling like you’re correct all the time might be a good indicator of arrogance.
Also, when you don’t even consider the fact that you might be wrong, you can almost say for sure that you’re arrogant. Because the truth is that everyone, even the smartest of people can, and will, be wrong at times.
Are arrogant people insecure?
Arrogant people can feel superior out of insecurity, but also due to feeling too good.
Arrogance due to insecurity
Arrogance due to feeling too good
Is arrogance a personality disorder?
Arrogance itself is not necessarily a personality disorder, but it can be a symptom of one.
For example, narcissistic personality disorders involve egocentric thinking and behavior, and a gross lack of empathy for others. Furthermore, there’s typically an unreasonable desire and need for the approval and attention of those around them.
In short, they deem themselves superior to others and their actions reflect their thinking.
How to humble an arrogant person?

- Remain neutral
- Be assertive
- Lead by example
- Refrain from getting aggressive
- Don’t change your beliefs
- Abstain from confirming their attitude and beliefs
- Don’t make personal attacks
- Refrain from enforcing your perspective
Final note
The above tips can teach you how to be less arrogant.
It will be particularly challenging if being proud has become a habit that has maintained itself for multiple years. But, remember that new routines take about 2 months of careful monitoring and conscious thoughts before they become unconscious habits.
This means that although it can be difficult, it is still possible to fix this issue. Your relationships with others will most certainly improve as a result.