How to take care of your health


Kevin Mangelschots

Our well-being is the single most important thing in life. No amount of money, material possessions, or fame can ever replace that.

As a result, it’s in our own best interest to learn how to look after ourselves. Both physically and mentally.

Let’s find out how to take charge of your health responsibly and intelligently by addressing the key components that form the base of everyone’s welfare.

A multifaceted approach to take care of your health

Image describing how mind, body, spirit, and soul all influence each other.

Taking care of your well-being is easier said than done. That’s because health is multifaceted. As a result, a large variety of different factors contribute to our physical, mental, and emotional state.

Getting your life in order is no small task. We often don’t even really know what’s going wrong with our health, let alone how to start fixing it for that matter.

Before we can mend a problem, we must first analyze the situation thoroughly to find out what’s currently going wrong.

Ask yourself this, how can we repair something when we don’t even realize if, or where exactly it’s broken?

Fit dark skinned woman cutting healthy vegetables and fruits.

In my opinion, these are all aspects of health and wellness that constitute the pillar of our overall well-being:

  • Physical health
  • Mental health
  • Spirituality
  • Healthy diet

If one or more of those areas are unbalanced, then it will spread to the other facets of health as well. The more characteristics that are deficit or negatively affected, the unhealthier and more miserable we will be.

This is why I advocate for people to put their lives in order. All these features should be harmonious. Or we should at least aspire for them to be. These are some healthy lifestyle examples and tips to improve your existence that can help you get your life back on the right track.

Let me explain the components more in-depth to make things clear.

The different aspects of health and wellness explained

Healthy lifestyle written on a green background with healthy foods beside it.

The single most important thing one can do to make sure the aspects of health and wellness are in order is to take responsibility for your actions.

That means both the good ones, but also the less beneficial ones. You can’t take care of your body if you don’t take ownership of your own decisions.

  • Physical health

    The first area of wellness is our physical health.

    We know that exercising is one of the best ways to maintain or regain our physical health.

    BOTH resistance training like weightlifting or doing body-weighted movements for instance AND cardiovascular training like walking, jogging, and swimming, for example, contribute greatly to our physical wellbeing.

    Exercising in general has multiple health benefits such as injury prevention, and improved mental health due to the dopamine that’s being released when we exercise, which ends up making us feel better while simultaneously losing weight in the process.
    Working out can even cure, or at least improve your depression, whereas cardiovascular training is vital for a multitude of reasons.

    Image of people running a marathon on a sunny day.

    Firstly, it helps our mental state by clearing/distracting the mind, which in turn reduces the amount of stress we experience. That’s especially true when these activities are performed in the serene environment of mother nature.

    It is good for the health of your organs like your heart and lungs. But it also reduces the chance of other physical issues and illnesses such as diabetes and hypertension. In short, everyone should work out for their own sake!

    Research has shown that resistance training like weightlifting for example has a variety of health benefits.

    It makes your muscles, tendons, and even your bones grow stronger, making injuries less likely to happen. It also allows you to lift heavy objects during your everyday life without hurting your back in the process. In short, it aids our physical and mental well-being.

    The quote: “A healthy mind in a healthy body” is appropriate here. And I couldn’t agree more.

    To me, being in good physical health and establishing a positive mental state are interconnected, as health is multifaceted. Thus, logically, it requires a varied approach to hit all targets.

  • Mental health

    Picture showing the words mental health and a green leaf on a white background.

    So, how do you take care of your mental wellness? Well, we must first realize that a lot of dimensions of health contribute to our psychological state.

    Human beings need meaningful interactions with friends and family members to feel fulfilled. Fun fact: Both introverts and extroverts need social interaction, they just differ in how much social stimulation they want.

    These purposeful relationships with our peers give us a sense of belonging to people, and to the world itself, if you will. If we don’t get the required amount of interaction with one another, then our mood and mental health will start to deteriorate.

    Being socially deprived brings along tension. If this mental strain keeps going for a prolonged period, then your mind might very well dwell in dark places, thus leading to a general worsening of your psychological attitude.

    This can cause depression or hurt our prosperity. If you are, or happen to get depressed in the future, then do not despair. As terrible as it is and sounds, it is still treatable, and even entirely curable!

    Image of a note lying on a wooden table saying, “positive mind, positive vibes, positive life”.

    Try to reduce mental strain and anxiety to a minimum by doing relaxing activities like gardening, exercising, and even by practicing mindfulness. Everything that calms, eases, and/or distracts the mind from the more stressful parts of our existence.

    Remember that we all need to blow off some steam from time to time. We’re only humans, and not machines, after all.

    Voluntarily challenging and facing the things that cause you to experience anxiety and uneasy sensations is the key to reducing those associated negative feelings.

    That’s because you get braver as you challenge those emotions, and not because those antagonistic feelings will magically disappear, contrary to popular belief.

    You will start to notice that you are indeed capable of controlling your fears. Consequently, you’ll start feeling more in control of your life. This in itself will already go a long way to reduce anxiety and mental strain.

    You can attempt to avoid negative feelings entirely for a while, but eventually, you will have to face them, or they will become, and remain an obstacle for the rest of your life.

    Even avoiding adverse emotions and things that make you feel uneasy won’t make you feel good about it in the moment. It’ll likely stress you out because you know that you are avoiding the very things you need to contest and fix to overcome them!

  • Spirituality

    Image of a fit woman holding a yoga pose at the beach.

    Take note that spirituality is not necessarily related to religion. Although religion can most certainly be a part of a person’s spirituality.

    Spirituality is basically what makes you, well, you. Your identity, or personality, let’s say. That means that it’s not the same as faith in this context.

    It is one of the most important facets to develop in life. It includes your value system, and personal beliefs, in addition to your principles.

    These values start developing from the moment you are self-conscious as a child, till the moment you cease to exist.

    Those principles will be influenced by the people you hold dear, and who are significant to you. This is why it’s critical to have good role models early on in life, by the way! 

    Image of the words “core values” written on a small blackboard.

    But no matter how much we would want to at times, other people can’t do all the work for us. You will have to evolve and integrate the values you find substantial on your own.

    Having a goal is the most vital thing in existence. Without a purpose in life, nothing matters.

    The advantage of not having a goal in life is that nothing matters (nihilism). The disadvantage of not having a purpose, and it’s a big one, is that you are suffering meaninglessly. That’s because nothing matters from that point of view.

    That’s why I recommend people to search for a purpose and to set goals in the process. It must be important to you.

    It can be something as trivial as cleaning your room every day, so there’s less chaos and more structure in your life. But it can go much further and become more complicated, like getting a degree for a job you would like to do in the future. Or getting your family life in order, for instance.

    Remember to think your ends through well! The goal must be influential and of value to you. This way, you’ll get to create the best possible version of yourself, while living your life to the fullest as well.

  • Healthy diet

    A plate of healthy food.

    And lastly, a healthy diet is important.

    There’s an ancient quote that says: “You are what you eat.” And there’s a lot of truth and wisdom to be found in this sentence.

    It ranges from eating solid, unprocessed foods and drinking water, to drugs we put into our bodies. As we all know, consuming drugs, which includes alcohol, and especially alcohol, is addictive in addition to destructive.

    In the short term, they might not show their immediate detrimental effects except making you addicted, which we often don’t realize until it’s already too late.
    But in the long term, they WILL undoubtedly be damaging to your overall health. What’s more, is that your social and work life will deteriorate over time.

    In the food and drinks department, it’s quite simple. Try to eat organic foods and drink liquids that are naturally occurring in the world. Preferably, meat that’s free from hormones and vegetables that are not sprayed with pesticides.

    This means unprocessed foods, and water instead of sugary drinks such as soda.

    Oh, and no smoking either! However, society has already made huge strides regarding smoking, and the negative health effects are generally well-known and documented.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why is your health important?


Your health is the most essential thing in life since it’s something that we can’t always get back if irreversibly damaged, and because it’s required for whatever we want to do in life.

Remaining healthy permits us to chase our goals and dreams, and keeps us free from chronic diseases such as heart issues, cancer, and even depression.

That’s why we should make it a point to exercise regularly, in addition to consuming a clean diet. It’ll give us more energy to do the activities we enjoy, all the while making us feel better, and enabling us to live longer lives as well.


Why is health more important than wants?

Illustration showing the differences between pleasures, wants, and needs.

Health is more important than wants because it’s needed to be capable of chasing our wants, and since human desires are never-ending. No matter how much we have, it’s likely that we still end up feeling unfulfilled, longing for even more.

But health is wealth. And being sick will make us feel miserable, partly because we’re unable to chase after our desires.


Why is physical health important?

Someone performing a barbell deadlift in a gym.

Physical health is critical to pursue your dreams, and because being physically active is a large part of being and remaining fit as a human being.

Our bodies are designed to move around. As such, it’s to each person’s advantage to exercise instead of being sedentary.

It’ll help to keep your body in shape, improve your mental state, reduce the risk of attracting diseases, aid in managing your weight, and strengthen your bones and muscles, just to name a few of the multiple benefits that working out provides.


Why is mental health important?

Illustration of a brain with arms and legs lifting weights while smiling, indicating that working out makes the brain feel, and work better.

Mental health is indispensable because a large part of being human is how we perceive and experience the events going on around us. We want to feel fulfilled, loved, and supported by our peers.

It affects the way we feel, think, and consequently, behave. It shapes how we deal with tension and hurdles that will inevitably pop up during our everyday lives.

When our mental state deteriorates, we end up feeling horrible, sad, angry, and possibly even depressed in extreme instances. Perhaps we end up feeling so bad that we’re unable to get out of bed and incapable of striving toward the goals we previously set out to attain.

It’s critical in childhood and will remain so until we fade away.


What are the benefits of mental health awareness?

The quote, “stand up against stigma, no health without mental health” written on a white background.

Making mental health openly discussable has many benefits because it raises awareness of the importance of our psychological state.

It helps encourage those who are suffering psychologically to seek informal and professional help by consulting friends and therapists while reducing stigma and misconceptions regarding the subject at the same time.


Our well-being is indispensable. You’ve only got one body, and it must last you a lifetime. Money can always be made, but health can’t always be fixed or regained. That’s why all aspects of well-being should be in order.

A lot of our behavior is guided towards doing things we enjoy while making us feel good. Changing small things about our diet, for instance, can already help us to feel better at a surprisingly rapid pace.

The most significant takeaway should be that we can all learn how to take good care of ourselves as long as all areas associated with health are in order.

Call to action

“Take action” written with white chalk on a blackboard.

Try to improve all aspects of health little by little by setting small, realistic goals that you can easily achieve.

To give a practical example, you can start with walking a few minutes each week to improve your physical health and skipping an unhealthy meal once per week to improve your diet.

Start by making small, incremental changes to your lifestyle. We don’t want to get overwhelmed and demotivated by trying to do too many things all at once.